Day 23

© A.K.SIMON - Can't See My Feet - 6" x 6" oil on museum panel
My friends and family know that I have been struggling to lose weight and eat right for some time. So I thought, why not combine my current obsessions? Art being the first and a fierce determination to win this battle with my own body to rebound to a recognizable self (I know the me I remember is in here somewhere).
This painting is a result of combined, creative obsession. I found this red pepper at the store the other day and could totally relate. The poor thing looks like me my first day of yoga. Totally in the spotlight (real or imaginary) struggling to bend in ways that have not been attempted in years (or ever). And, there are those lovely yellow peppers in the line behind standing in their mountain poses with their hearts centered and bodies balanced. The poor red pepper in the front, sweat sparkling in the light, hoping nobody notices the muscles shaking!
Hubby asked me the other day what I learned in yoga and I said, "I think I just learned how to kiss my own butt!"
BTW - wonder if the produce guy thinks I'm weird for studying each pepper before picking this one! May never be allowed in Meijer again.
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