Saturday, January 4, 2014

Not a Bowl of Cherries

©A.K.SIMON - Not A Bowl of Cherries - 8"x8" oil on linen - $100


Day 4 in 30 paintings in 30 days -

It took me so long to finish this one today because I kept leaving it and coming back to it. Sometimes you know just the direction you'll take then when that doesn't work you walk away. But, as my son says, "it nags at your brain" and you come back. Because, after all, it's only a painting and you are in this challenge and you don't want to fall short of your own expectations. 

So, I hope this one is obvious as far as quote. "Life's a bowl of cherries" (and we all know it isn't so I "nixed" the bowl). Life is more like a cherry here and there and that's probably what keeps us on our toes looking for the next scrumptious fruit!

I kind of like this piece in the end. I was watching a DVD that I received from a friend/teacher about visual structure. It is a recording of a workshop that was put on for film makers. Go figure, they use the same design principles we use in static paintings to lead you through the entire film. It is very interesting and I have applied those principles in this composition. I have a strong vertical, strong horizontal with some diagonals which all culminate in basically a triangular visual field.

1 comment:

  1. I like this and your comments. I did the same thing-I kept walking away as though washing towels was the most important thing I had to do. It wasn't until I posted it that I figured out what my " Pears Again" needed.


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