Monday, March 9, 2015

Well there is some good news. I have been selected as one of the 15 (not one of the top 3 who get the prize $ but an honor just the same) artists from the Daily Paintworks monthly juried contests (prizewinner to the left). What does this mean? It gets my a fee-free month with DPW.  I am bumped up to "featured" status for the month. This means I move to the top of the list which is really a good thing when your last name starts with an "S". What else has it done for me? It has made me get my "___" in gear to post some of the paintings I've been working on and motivated me to get some inventory.

You Light Up My Life


This one is a little tighter than I anticipated it would be. Funny how you start something and your confidence in rendering suddenly freezes. This one was started after I hadn't painted in a few days and weird as that seems, it only takes a short time to lose your way. Showing it here because I do really like some of the edge work, especially around the candle holder and green apple.So why the title: Just wanted an element to be in an unsuspected, less predictable place. So, that's how the apple ended up on the candle holder. And just like the wick lights the life of the candle, the stem is the lifeline of the apple. Yep, I learned this type of over analyzing in design classes - can drive a person nuts at times! 


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