
©A.K.SIMON - BFs Forever - 5"x7" oil on masonite - $45

I always buy the tomatoes that are on the vine because they just seem more like what we used to grow in our garden. I haven't planted them in the past two years but hope to get the plants in this year. These two gems, attached at the vine, were irresistible as I was looking around for something to plan for dinner before I left for the studio. Into my bag they went, I painted them, then we had them in a tasty basil, mozzarella, olive oil tomato salad for dinner. However, seeing these two attached by the vine I almost felt bad separating them to eat them. That is when the name "Best Friends Forever" came to me (a throw back from when my daughter lived at home and I used to see it written on all of her notebooks signed by her friends). Just so you know, they were yummy and their lives were not spent in vain. Their rich "lycopene-ness" will take us into our "golden" years!
This work was started on a pre-toned, cad orange masonite panel. I put color on then "turped" out highlights, I used my favorite Gamblin radiant blue to pop the orange. There is also some palette knife work on the table and I've found that the transparency of cobalt violet over burnt sienna makes a lovely bright brown. It's really hard to ignore this painting, even from across the room.
I just found your blog and am impressed. I love this painting as well as your others. Thank you for sharing your process but most of all thank you for taking the time to share these wonderful works with the rest of us. Truly enjoy your blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you T.J from A.K. - your work is equally impressive and thanks to you for also sharing your gifts!