Day 28

©A.K.Simon Red, White and Blue 8"x16" oil $165
Same subject - more time. Today's piece is a duplicate (almost) of yesterday's plein air painting. However, this time I sat there for three hours and really studied the light and shapes. I am satisfied with the result in that it really says to me what I felt that day - the warmth of the sun, the brightness of the flowers and the roughness of the fence in the background (you can see this more clearly in the auction picture when you "mouse-over"). Hopefully you can tell that these are Lobelia, New Guinea Impatiens and Begonias. Each time I start a painting I give myself some goals. This one was to ramp up the light and shadow, really define the forms and create texture with paint application. I am pleased with the result and believe me I have done many plein air paintings that now line the closet floor. Too bad you can't chop up your oil paintings like watercolorists do and create a collage - oh wait, there's an idea!
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