©A.K.SIMON - And the Sparrow Watches Me - 8"x8" oil on linen - $100
Today's Quote:
“There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow”
William Shakespeare
I love birds. I'm not sure how it happened but it has been lifelong. I had several parakeets as a child and have been an avid observer of them for a long time. This little sparrow was sitting amongst the hustle and bustle of a downtown Gatlinburg shopping area. His main objective was to drink from the slate fountain on which he was perched. There were some pebbles in the water and at the time "artist brain" kicked in and noticed the harmony of colors and how well this little bird fits with it's surroundings like an artistic plan. My hope is that the posture here reflects his intent on drinking while also keeping guard for any peril.
I used to get upset when my husband and I would travel because he gets so caught up in conversations with strangers that he will sometimes forget that he told me, "I'll be back in a minute." Time and experience have mellowed me and I now use these "waiting times" to enjoy little scenes like this bird to ponder co-existence, color, form, light, etc. (Yep, he forgot to come right back). There is a grander plan and I'm just now taking the time to enjoy it more. There's a lyric in a Rascal Flats song that says, "God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you." All of the frustration and fuming while I waited was my broken road (wasted time) - didn't realize it until I shut up, listened and started taking the time to observe the wonder around me. We get so caught up in what we think should be happening that we don't enjoy what IS happening. I was being left alone as a plan to help me study for these paintings.
I really am going to start back on the state bird series when I get back from a vacation. I have had several people requesting more birds. I'm sure that an artist's love for the subject matter comes through in the painting.
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