©Hardy Hibiscus - 6"x6" oil on linen panel - $75
Day #2 of the 30 White Flowers in 30 Days.
If you have any Rose of Sharon you know they grow like weeds. And, if you ever forget to trim off those seed pods in the fall you will have at least 40 million (just a little hyperbole) of the little plants to pull up in the spring (speaking from firsthand experience). I happen to have the pink variety and they are one of my favorite bushes. This white one is courtesy of Donna Noice from our upstairs painting class.
Not much time to talk, got to get on to the next painting! Only problem is I ran out of contacts (I know, it's my own fault) and trying to paint with my glasses which are no-line bifocals which tend to make me motion sick! Can't wait to get my mono-vision contacts back!!!! They are the night and day kind so I forget that I can't see until I lose one or run out.
Here's a little rose of sharon info from HGTV:
Despite its name, the deciduous flowering shrub we call rose of Sharon isn’t a rose at all. Native to Asia and India, this plant with exotic-looking blooms is actually a hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus), a member of the mallow family. Other common names include shrub althea, Chinese hibiscus and hardy hibiscus. Rose of Sharon is mentioned in the Old Testament, although scholars think that the reference, which appears in the Song of Solomon, is a mistranslation of a Hebrew word for crocus.
Shakespeare wrote, “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” and rose of Sharon, no matter what name you call it, is lovely. The large single or doubled flowers are often wavy-looking, giving the impression that they’re made of crepe paper. They open in late summer to fall, when few other shrubs are in bloom. Depending on the variety, the flowers may be violet, blue, pink, red, lavender, purple or white, and they often have a dark “eye” in the center.
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